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Actors / Models

Airik Ace and Irina Stemer

Airik Ace is a nine-year-old bilingual prodigy and Hollywood actor who lives in Beverly Hills.

Airik Ace

Though mostly self-taught, he is a multi-talented youngster who aspires to be like his favorite actor, Paul Newman. He excels in school obtaining high grades and loves sports. Airik has earned his blue belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Airik Ace

He is learning to play golf and is being taught by a former PGA tour professional. He enjoys playing in his yard and swimming in the pool.

Airik Ace

Airik is also learning to play the piano and enjoys singing songs that he has composed.

Airik Ace

But, he dreams of a future directorial debut with the inspiration and guidance from his mother Irina...

Irina Stemer is a gorgeous, vivacious Russian woman who performed as a Prima Ballerina for many years with the very famous ballet company Voljanka and Moiseevkii troop.

Irina Stemer
Irina Stemer stands here next to painting of herself by Argentinian painter

She found her strength in theater in Vienna where she really felt she belonged and developed a strong love for the stage. She starred in theater and as her talent grew felt a calling to become an actor which eventually led her to Los Angeles to pursue her career.

She recalled of an amazing time with Steven Spielberg who let her sit next to him while directing a scene where she got to experience first hand a view through the directors eyes.

Irina now lives in the hills of Beverly Hills with her young son Airik Ace along with their two adorable doggies who never leave her sight. She is an incredible devoted mother and would like to help her son become a force in the industry. She wants to create a show about child star moms.

Irina is an actress and producer, known for Nowhereland coming out in 2017, The White Horse Is Dead (2005) and DayDreams of Rudolph Valentino (2007).

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