The Artistic Vision and Journey of Lord K2
By: Donna Letterese
Artist Lord K2 had a background in business trading stocks before he rediscovered his passion for fine arts and then commenced as a street-artist. While he hails from London, it is Latin America that has been instrumental in his career: both as a street-artist, and a documentarian of the craft. He is currently working on his new series of fine art photography in South East Asia.
Stencil graffiti was what he was drawn to partly due to his photographic background as his stencils are through photographic images. His most recent projects have found him focusing on the work created by his contemporaries, through taking photos of, and writing, about their painting as well as it's associated urban culture beyond the finished product. Lord K2 spoke to In Entertainment about his work, his new book, his vision and his future artistic plans.
How long have you been creating art, and what has inspired you?
For nearly four years. I've mainly been inspired by photography, as I've always found reality fascinating. A moment can never be re-lived. However, a camera can capture specific movements and moments in time.
How would you classify the genre of art you create?
The genre would technically be "contemporary." However, I call it "present-day reality." I enjoy feeling the pulse of the moment I am in, as I produce my work. I aim to be progressive and to push boundaries as much as possible. This world is always evolving, and I want my art to also evolve with the tempo of its environment.
Can you talk a bit about your book?
"Street Art Santiago" documents the current street art scene, in Santiago, Chile. I compiled over eighty interviews, and spent a year designing the book alongside graphic designer Jorge Cordoba and his team. Through photography, I documented the art painted on the city's walls as well as the subculture associated with the graffiti world. Between my photography and other research, I also learned a great deal about what the artists' lives were like, behind the scenes. I was moved by the quality of their work, as well as their warmth and strength of character. Since these artists generally do not get much global representation, I saw this as an opportunity to showcase them to the world. The more recognized artists from that region, such as Cekis, INTI, and Dasic Fernández, have since moved overseas. While they are all brilliant, Chile is still brimming with unrecognized talent. Piguan, Salazaart, Zewok1, and Cub2 are only a few examples of creators whose work is of the highest caliber, yet, still largely unknown outside of Santiago.
How does travel influence what you paint on walls?
I feel it's important to know your surroundings, when you're going to be painting in an urban environment. The wall is not merely a canvas. That wall has a unique texture, and a unique position in that city. I feel best when I paint work that will be a good fit for its environment. After all, the locals who pass by are the people who will be enjoying the art. They'll enjoy it even more if they can relate to it.
What are you currently working on, and planning for your art in the future?
I recently completed a book on the street art scene in Buenos Aires, and am in the process of documenting the New York's street art scene. In addition, I'm working on another photography project documenting Muay Thai (a combat sport that originated in Thailand), which I'm enjoying very much. When I have more available time, I have plans to create stencil and spray paint work on some walls. These are the projects I am focusing on for the time being.
Where can people see your art?
Some of it has been visible in Buenos Aires and Chile. However, as it's been a while since I painted on the streets, I doubt those works have remained. My work can also be found in fine-art galleries. I presently have works on display at Walton Fine Arts Gallery in London, as well as at Bazel Gallery in Tel Aviv. I'm pleased to show in these galleries, and highly recommend a visit to each of them. Not necessarily to see my work, but because they are both impeccably curated galleries that display their artworks well.
To find out more about the artist's upcoming exhibitions, works in progress, and publications, please visit him online at www.LordK2.com
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