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Kasumi's "Shockwaves" Evolves Filmmaking to a New Genre of Cinema and Multimedia Distribution

By: Jana Ritter

Kasumi is a multimedia artist whose work has made her a recognized name worldwide. With a spectrum of talents in film, writing, music, live VJ performance, painting and animation, and her true pioneering spirit - she has combined it all in a cinematic experience that extends far beyond the barriers of traditional filmmaking.

After spending four years off the grid to shoot original footage and compile it with over 25,000 public domain samples, original dance choreography, animation, music and sound design, she has resurfaced with a masterful multi-media compilation. Not only is she being heralded for creating a new genre of cinema, critics call Kasumi "one of the most original and important artists working today.

Kasumi - Shockwaves

SHOCKWAVES is a feature length multi-media expose that tells the story of a man's self-destructive mind trip of traumatic childhood memories driving him to murderous vengeance. While the concept itself is a fascinating exploration of the human mind and our concept of reality, the execution is even more compelling with its multi dimensional narrative and multi-layered soundscape pulling the audience into the full cerebral journey. With SHOCKWAVES set for its official release on November 14th 2014, Kasumi has been thrust from her underground editing suite and into the spotlight. We were lucky to have the opportunity to catch up with her and talk about her own journey as an artist.

You've never gone to film school and yet you've managed to create your own genre of filmmaking. Tell us about that.

I've been an artist pretty much my entire life, I went to art school and music school so I was always expressing myself through abstract paint, music composition and writing. It wasn't until my son decided to pursue acting and I started helping him film and edit his demo reels that I became particularly fascinated with the power of editing. Starting with the simple ability to just eliminate the stuff that doesn't look good to all layers and depth that editing allows.

Kasumi - Shockwaves

Those demo reels certainly paid off. Your son, Kitao Sakurai, has become very successful in Hollywood.

Yes I'm very proud of him. He started off doing a lot of local theatre and then made the transition into writing and directing. After directing his first feature, Aardvark, he got on board as one of the creators and directors of the "Eric Andre Show" on "Adult Swim."

You've also really established yourself as an artist and have even collaborated with other high profile artists such as DJ Spooky and Grandmaster Flash.

Yes, I've performed as live VJ with some amazingly talented DJ's like Spooky and Grandmaster Flash as well as performing with the New York Philharmonic at Lincoln Center and with the American Composers Orchestra at Carnegie Hall.

You were also given the ultimate honor being awarded both a Guggenheim Fellowship and CPAC Fellowship for SHOCKWAVES.

Yes I submitted my proposal for SHOCKWAVES in 2011 and was absolutely thrilled to have both the Guggenheim and CPAC on board with the project. Not did they award me the funds to get SHOCKWAVES off the ground, but the inspiration to carry me through the next four years I spent making it.

Kasumi - Shockwaves

Now Vimeo is partnering with you and giving SHOCKWAVES an unprecedented full-on multi-media release. Tell us about that.

Basically we're covering all formats of how people watch movies these days and allowing viewers the option of experiencing SHOCKWAVES as a streaming video or as a limited edition DVD or Blu-ray. What makes this release most unique though, is that SHOCKWAVES is the first feature length film offering its own Museum Limited Edition available only to Curators as an 80 minute perpetually looping installation.

To find out more about Kasumi and her entire collection of work go directly to her website at: http://www.KasumiFilms.com

To find out more about SHOCKWAVES and its worldwide release go to: http://www.ShockwavesTheMovie.com

Hollywood, CA

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