Million Dollar Baby
Stars: Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman
There seems to be a lot of people who like to watch other people beat each other to a bloody pulp. And then there are the people who like to make dangerous sports a career. This one's called Boxing. There are even a few women who want to be Boxers.
In this story it's Hilary who gets Clint to train her to be the best female fighter in the business. But in a championship fight the other woman hits her illegally and causes Hilary to be a paraplegic with no hope of recovery. She is in such dire pain that she asks Clint to pull her life support off and help her die.
Now we have the euthanasia dilemma. Should a person be forced to stay alive when they are in great pain with no chance of recovery?
The movie shows a raw slice of life and makes all of us think about this problem. "Million Dollar Baby" punches right up to the Top of the Hill.
PG 13 Warner Bros.
By Devra Hill
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