Beauty Shop
Starring: Queen Latifah, Alicia Silverstone, AndieMacDowell, Kevin Bacon
"Beauty Shop" is the female sequel to "Barbershop." It's filmed in
color but most jokes are in black and white. Kevin Bacon is the flamboyant,
egotistical boss of the posh salon where the Queen works. She soon tires of
his criticism and storms out deciding to open her own salon and takes the
shampoo girl, Alicia Silverstone, and a key client, Andie MacDowell with
When you go into business for yourself, you inherit problems and they
all cost money. She gets sabotaged by her ex-employer. Help comes from an
upstairs electrician who also helps her fall in love.
Most of the laughs come from the gossip and banter between the
beauticians but it seems that half of the audience didn't get it because of
a language barrier called "Ebonics." Still "Beauty Shop" cuts two stars.
Rated: PG13 MGM Studios
By Devra Hill
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