Day of Miracles
Five years after the heartbreaking attacks on 9/11, Echelon Studios' compelling, award-winning documentary, Day of Miracles, provides an outlet for the grief that continues to run through the soul of America. By revealing the triumphs of the survivors of one of the most devastating days in American history, Day of Miracles conveys a uniquely positive perspective on 9/11 and instills viewers with hope, a sense of spiritual rebirth, and patriotism.
Producer Leslie McRay and her husband Richard Smith working on the documentary Day of Miracles
Awarded the Dove Seal and Movieguide Approval, Day of Miracles was telecast to three billion worldwide viewers last September 11th, including two billion listeners in war-torn countries through CB radio. Due to the enormous success of last year's telecast, Day of Miracles will once again receive worldwide broadcast this September 11, 2006.
Funded completely by the non-profit organization American Entertainment Foundation, Ltd., producer Leslie McRay set out to share how the attacks "failed to defeat the American spirit" and how "God intervened even under the most terrible conditions." Public support for the project, McRay adds, was overwhelming: "Panavision donated a camera so we could film. Local eateries donated meals for the crew. Firefighters, policemen, and medical staffs volunteered their time in order to appear in the project." Viewers of this uplifting documentary will see that September 11th, 2001 was truly a Day of Miracles.
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