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Film and Video


Don't Move Don't Move

Starring: Penelope Cruz, Sergio Castellitto, Claudia Gerini

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This is an Italian import with subtitles. Penelope Cruz has been transformed from a beautiful woman to a plain peasant. "Don't Move" is a dark love story about a man torn between his wife and his mistress. In many foreign countries it's quite common to have both. But, of course, the emotional confusion can lead to much sadness.

Sergio is a successful doctor who gives into his instincts when he meets and ultimately rapes Ms, Cruz. She is used to mistreatment from childhood when she was subjected to incest from her father. Cruz plays a tender but damaged soul who seems to think she is doomed to this type of a life.

The whole film is in flashback from the first scene where Sergio's young daughter is brought to the hospital after a motor scooter accident. This causes her to be in a life threatening situation from the concussion she received.

Even though "Don't Move" is not rated I would rate it "R" because of explicit sex scenes. On my scale it's two stars.

An Italian Co-Production with Unified Pictures

By Devra Hill

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