Directed by Steve McQueen
After attending "Hunger" at the AFI Festival, I had to take a few minutes and appreciate our collective freedoms as a people, as they are precious valuable, and disappearing. Hunger gets right to that point.
A powerful film, from a sensible artist, on a serious subject. The packed audience watched, immediately enthralled. Intensely. We care for the human condition, the spirit of human dignity in the face of bitter oppression, and the emotional toll on all souls involved, regardless of which side of the struggle they are caught in.
Director Steve McQueen and his talented cast deliver one of the most compelling portrayals of the incarceration of men, and the effects of denying prisoners certain inalienable rights.
The true story Enda Walsh adapted lived through some very hard conditions, at times, animalistic in the Maze prison, but trust that you are in the hands of very capable artists, as you journey through this powerful film safely.
Steve McQueen's style handles Bobby Sands story like a doctor cleaning and dressing a wound. The awards bestowed upon this film I believe are well warranted. Go see for yourself. Best seen in Theatres, definitely for the big screen. Not for youngsters, mid teens, maybe. Not for the gentle. Opens in Los Angeles December 10th.
- Matt Huffman
For more about the production of Hunger and an exclusive interview with Liam McMahon click here.
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