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Film and Video

An Inside Look at Philippe and Maxine Carillo's New Documentary: "Inside the Garbage of the World"

By Jana Ritter

Unlike other filmmakers who are mostly driven by the art of making films, Philippe Carillo turned to film as the single most powerful medium to get his message across to the world. His award winning documentary, "Inside the Garbage of the World," produced by himself and his wife, is an informative, in-depth look at the plastic pollution posing a serious threat to our oceans and to our very existence.

With his directorial debut generating a tidal wave of interest, Carillo is already with working on other new projects with equally powerful messages. We had the opportunity to sit down with the French born filmmaker and found him to be extremely passionate about affecting the world with his work.

Philippe Carillo - Inside the Garbage of the World

What inspired you to make your first film, "Inside the Garbage of the World"?

We have been living on a boat in Oxnard, California for about two years now with my wife Maxine and have always felt blessed to have the ocean literally be our backyard. Then one day, we were walking along the sand and noticed the alarming amount of garbage that had collected along the beach. We began to do research and realized how much plastic pollution is collecting in our oceans, killing our marine life and how little people know about it.

I knew that spreading awareness was the only way to inspire people to act but lecturing people wasn't going to be a very effective way of doing it. I needed to appeal to audiences on a much bigger scale with visual images, sound and music to impact them with the facts. Film is the most powerful medium to encompass all of that.

Maxine Carillo - Inside the Garbage of the World

What makes your film different from other environmental documentaries?

Well I can't speak for all of them, but I think what mostly sets this film apart is that it only speaks the truth. It doesn't put the onus on blaming big corporations, it simply gives people the facts of what already is and empowers everyone with the ability to act.

Also, a lot of films tend to outline many different environmental issues all at once and this film focuses specifically on plastic more in depth and provides real solutions.

What are some of the biggest concerns your film addresses?

Well, if plastic continues to kill marine life at the rate it is now, our fisheries will collapse in as little as ten years. According to Capt. Moore's Research, in 1999, the ratio plastic to plankton was 6 to 1, in 2009 it had increased to 36 to 1 in the area of the Eastern Pacific Gyre covering twice the size of the US, and you can imagine how bad it's going to be if we don't act pretty quick. We are literally killing the Oceans.

People also don't realize how ineffective recycling has been to suffice as a solution. Plastic is still being used in excess and it isn't enough to rely on everyone to take it upon themselves to use recycling bins. The real power is in our pocket books, if we stop buying plastic products companies will be forced to start selling better alternatives.

What were some of the challenges you faced in making this film?

Like with most films, finding financing is always the biggest challenge and I realized I was putting all my time into doing that when I needed to be making the film and getting it out there for people to see. So I decided I was better off just financing it ourselves, buying our own equipment and making the film that we wanted to make without anyone else's agenda compromising the facts.

What do you ultimately hope to achieve with "Inside the Garbage of the World" and how has it been received so far?

So far the response has been great. It's screened at a lot of film festivals and major educational venues around the world and people are already changing as a result of seeing it. We didn't make this film for personal recognition or anything like that, we made it for the people of this world, to empower them with the facts and the personal responsibility to become part of the solution. Even if 10% of the population did their part and stopped consuming plastic and participated in beach cleanups it would make a huge difference.

What are some of the other film projects you've worked on?

For over twenty years I've worked as a sound engineer on over 50 commercials and 65 documentaries with major companies such as BBC, Planet France and 20th Century Fox.

What are some of your next projects that we can look forward to?

I'm currently in the process of making our next film, "The Return of Godzilla" which unveils the Fukushima disaster and its health effect on Japan and the world. I also have another project in the works, "The Lost Eden," which looks at the drastic effects of processed and poisonous food and what we can learn from ancient cultures to reverse the spiral.

You also founded the Exodus Research Institute. What can you tell us about that?

Yes in 2014, with my wife, we opened the ERI as a legal and structural organization with the freedom to provide people with the facts about a variety of issues and to provide funding for real solutions.

What do you ultimately want your legacy to be as a filmmaker and as a person?

We just want to do what we can to better our planet and right now that means making films that will help to inform people and inspire positive changes.

To find out more about Philippe and Maxine Carillo and their film "Inside the Garbage of the World," go directly to the website:

For more information about the Exodus Research Institute, go to the following link:
Hollywood, CA

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