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Film and Video


National Treasure National Treasure

Stars: Nicolas Cage, Diane Kruger, Justin Bartha

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This one's a thriller from the opening scene to the end.

Nicolas plays a Sherlock Holmes character who searches for clues to a buried treasure. For six generations his family has searched for the clues left by America's founding fathers on the back of the Declaration of Independence. The clues are invisible to the naked eye so when he tries to tell the FBI about them nobody believes him except a crook played by Sean Bean.

Diane Kruger is the National Archives conservator but she doesn't believe him either. So he decides to steal the Declaration with the help of his tech-whiz friend Justin Bartha before the crooks can get it.

This is a smart treasure hunt movie filled with secret codes, puzzles and a roller coaster ride between the heroes and the villains.

"National Treasure" races right up to the Top of the Hill.

Rated: PG Walt Disney Studios

By Devra Hill

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