Dr. Bob Arnot (center) returns for a second season of perilous worldwide adventures on MOJO's high definition series Dr. Danger, premiering Wednesday, October 17 at 10:00pm, ET/PT. During this eight episode season, Dr. Bob travels in the Middle East where he goes to places rarely visited by American
tourists including Afghanistan, Syria, Djibouti, Jordan, Oman and Saudi Arabia.
The first episode of Dr. Danger was filmed in Yemen. There, local young men "camel jump" - a contest where their best athletes literally jump over camels from a running start. Dr. Bob climbs one of the country's highest peaks and meets a gun-toting stranger with whom he practices shooting. Unfortunately, Dr. Bob winds up taking a dramatic tumble down the side of the mountain and tries to reset his "dislocated" shoulder by himself. Ouch.
Dr. Bob Arnot is available for interviews.
If you'd like a screener, high resolution photo or additional information about Dr. Danger, please contact Ellen Cooper or Joan Behan at ecooper@indemand.com or 646 638-8206.
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