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Kimberley Clayton Blaine
America's #1 Go-To Mom

Kimberley Clayton Blaine - The Go-To-Mom Kimberley Clayton Blaine, aka The Go-To Mom, is a mother of two young boys, a former preschool teacher, a Licensed Child Therapist and the founder of the revolutionary interactive show, www.TheGoToMom.TV, where she is bridging the gap between parenting and technology. A parenting expert and entrepreneur, Kimberley's motto is "Where there's a child, there's usually a parent with a question."

Launched in December of '06, The Go-To Mom's mission is to give parents valuable information in a short period of time. A specialist in non-coercive, non-aggressive parenting, Kimberley is both an expert and a hands-on mom. "I teach moms and dads the basics of parenting through relationship," she explains. "Most of us have been taught parenting through coercion which is not only ineffective but is damaging to a child. I advise parents to review how they were parented, so that they don't repeat the same mistakes. From my perspective, parenting through relationship is not a strategy, it's a philosophy."

Having been deemed "Parenting Advice on Demand" Kimberley's shows are available to parents anytime, day or night offering cutting edge professional answers and tips on everything from combating nightmares to how to discipline in public all in 60 seconds or less.

Please visit www.TheGoToMom.TV

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