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Writer/Director excels with his latest film Exploring Love


Brent Bambic What's in a name?
Brent Bambic is the name to watch for. Bambic has exceeded expectations with his latest film, Exploring Love. He made his splash on the scene with Runaways, a dogme-style drama about teens struggling to stay off the cruel streets of Los Angeles. The film gave us an inside look into a troubled teen, performed expertly by Austin O'Brien, who teeters on the brink.

Exploring Love truly explores. This time around Bambic brings us a work that is both engaging and highly relevant to our times. Sean Parker, aptly played by hot newcomer Matthew Pearson, struggles for romantic and personal fulfillment against the backdrop of glamorous South Beach, Miami.

The characters are both richly developed and recognizable to anyone who has ever looked for "love" in our modern times. Parker and his business partner, played by JeanPaul SanPedro who delivers a powerful performance, face challenges many men can relate to. While Parker works through a string of romantic liaisons, looking for a deeper connection, his contemporaries encourage him to embrace superficial culture and avoid attachment.

Brent Bambic
Actors Matthew Pearson and Kristia Knowles

We had the opportunity to speak with Brent Bambic at his home in South Beach. Bambic has experienced nearly every aspect of the business from screenwriting to distribution. His varied experience in the industry, combined with his unique personal experiences, have him poised to breakthrough as the next hot writer/director.

Q & A:

Tell us how you broke into the business?
Screenwriting. It's the foundation of any good film and I'm fortunate that I was able to start with the basics - writing scripts. The process of developing a story is so important. And actually being able to speak directly to the issues of our modern experience is very rewarding to me. It's part of my personal journey to add to the collective consciousness by elevating or, to a certain extent, spotlighting modern struggles.

When did you write Exploring Love?
I wrote it over a period of time. It came to me in parts. I had to really work through the ending. When people see the movie they'll know why. But this script didn't require as many rewrites as some as my others have.

Tell us about Runaways?
Runaways is my heart. I love that movie. People have been deeply moved by it. It speaks to one of the serious issues in America and helps you get an inside look into what a runaway kid goes through. So many young people are victims of a "throw away" culture - I don't think people are aware of the plight of these kids.

Brent Bambic
Matthew Pearson and JeanPaul SanPedro

I hear you have a special edition Director's Cut coming out.
Yeah, I was working on that during post on EL (Exploring Love). The movie is more powerful than ever. It will be released through Echelon Studios this summer. I think it will deliver the message in a - in a more effective way.

Did your experience with Runaways help you to make EL?
Absolutely. Runways helped me to grow in all areas of production and in distribution. It was an amazing experience.

It's hard not to notice that there are many very attractive actors and actresses in EL, tell us a little bit about the casting process.
Very exciting. We were very lucky in that regard. We had some awesome auditions, there are some great actors in South Florida just waiting to get discovered. The lead actors Matthew Pearson and JohnPaul SanPedro, as well as the rest of the cast, really do have very bright futures.

Brent Bambic
Brent Bambic works with Matthew and Kristia

What unique challenges did the production process pose?
Several. Especially when a filmmaker has the limited budget we had. You have to be very creative when you can't afford many things. We negotiated for everything: camera, locations, even the food. It was a group effort. People really believed in the project and we pulled it off.

EL presents its message in a very unique way, explain how you decided to approach it the way you did? Sex is a major issue in our society, we're overly concerned with it. That's because most of us are convinced that sex is somehow bad. Sex, in a consensual context, is natural. I think that attitudes of judgment create many of the problems we're encountering today. I'm not saying that certain sexual behavior isn't dangerous, obviously there are types of behavior that can be destructive. But what I'm saying is that we create much of that destructive behavior through our condemnation of a natural act.

Did you enjoy shooting in South Florida?
It's beautiful, what's not to like?! (laughs)

How was it compared to Los Angeles?
Ahh, L.A. There's no place like Los Angeles... EL could have worked in L.A. with a simple rewrite of the script. In fact, EL could work in any major U.S. city, and even in some European cities. But Miami is a special place. Very unique, culturally. I love it and I think I captured its special qualities in the movie. Miami has a vibrance and sex appeal that lends itself perfectly to

Brent Bambic
Brent Bambic works with JeanPaul and Matthew

Where do you see Indie film going?
Indie movies seem to be speaking to real issues that matter to people. I hope it keeps going in that direction. I think people are ready for some truth.

What's next?
Beelzebub. It's a supernatural thriller that we're setting up for production. It will shock people, in a good way... or at least that's my intention. It will be a departure, that's for sure, but I'm excited to tackle a new direction.

How would you compare Cannes to some of the other market/festivals?
Cannes is one of the biggest and best, at the moment there's no better place to be! I'm ready to make my mark.

For information on Exploring Love, please visit

For information on Runaways, please visit


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