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The Intersection of Coffee and Creativity:
Interview with Rachel Harty

By Carin Chea

Hidden beneath Rachel Harty’s effortless beauty and naturally svelte frame is the resume of an accomplished and seasoned individual.

She parlayed her love for volleyball into a scholarship to university where she then majored in Trust and Wealth Management. And, just like the hero in every Netflix coming-of-age series, Harty took her degree and expertise to New York where she currently works as a much sought-after consultant.

Emily in Paris, meet your match.

Perhaps this is what makes Harty an old soul with a fresh, fierce perspective. Her maiden book, Coffee, A Sip for You and Me, is a collection of poetry that is this generation’s quintessential coffee book, as each poem manages to incorporate one of Harty’s passions – caffeine.

Apropos to the author, Harty discovered the magic of caffeine at the age of 3, and (just like her coffee) she’s been going strong ever since.

Coffee, A Sip for You and Me by Rachel Harty

Did you really get into coffee at the age of 6?

Yes. My dad ran a construction company. You’re always out on the site and there were always coffee cups in the car. I was the 3-year-old climbing over the console to drink them. Well, I tried to, anyway, but it was really when I was 6 that I had my first taste.

You’re very multi-faceted. It seems you succeed in whatever you put your mind do. Do you still work in Trust and Wealth Management? What made you choose this major in college?

I consider myself a generalist, but I do think if your proclivities align it can be advantageous. It’s also skills coupled with luck. Sometimes I feel like I’m at the right place at the right time, you know?

My background is in trust and wealth management, which is finance adjacent broadly speaking (it takes the legal lens of finance, so I benefitted from the writing aspect).

I never used my degree fully. I’ve been a consultant ever since I’ve been out of college in 2018.

I was perusing your Instagram. It seems like you’re modeling as well.

I’m an amateur in that realm right now; I’m currently looking for agents who align with my goals and with me.

What do you feel aligns with you?

Inclusivity and breaking norms.

Is Coffee, A Sip of You and Me your first book? Tell us about it.

It is. I wrote this in college. I was a volleyball player and I sustained injuries that caused heartache and mental and emotional pain.

During that time, my friend came into my dorm room on an unassuming day and said, “The cream always rises to the top” and that really got my attention. That was what started one of my first poems, Depressed, which is also one of my favorite poems.

The poetry in this book is quick and to the point but manages to encapsulate a lot of emotions while utilizing few lines.

Within the pages, I’ve highlighted 10 poems that are my favorite in red text. There are roughly 200-plus poems, all centering around coffee.

Rachel Harty

Really? As in, every single poem has an element of coffee in it? Kind of like a Where’s Waldo of poetry.

Yes. There’s usually some sort of coffee play on words or pun element planted within each poem. There are also themes of self-discovery, love, and heartache.

If you could describe your book in one word or phrase, what would it be?

“Coffee isn't always a drink.”

How would you describe your writing style?

Probably how I speak. I’ve been writing poetry ever since childhood. Shel Silverstein was my bread and butter.

What typically inspires you as a writer?

For starters, I'm inspired by my own experiences, as well as others, especially observed moments. I am often inspired to write when I'm in an idle state, away from technology (e.g., computers, phones, you name it).

My mind can take moments away and create beautiful words when I remove the autopilot thoughtless state that technology springs upon us.

Do you have a specific writing process that you adhere to as a creative?

I wish I could say that I'm more regimented, like Stephen King. However, in some ways, I do have a process, even if ad-hoc.

It often starts in the morning, at a coffee shop or in the shower; there is no in-between. While in either of these vicinities, I start to collect my thoughts and inputs throughout the week, almost getting into a melodic meditative state. And I swear a line or two pops in my head, like a song.

From there, I jot my poetic melodies down. And I'll continue to write them until I feel I've exhausted my writing tank.

Then, I'll close my writings and reopen them at night (my favorite time of day). That's when I take my first pass to the final finish line.

What kind of impact or message do you want to impart to your readers?

Coffee is more than a drink; in this case, it's the way I've felt, metaphorically, and I, too, hope my readers can relate.

This book is coming-of-age; it has light-hearted humor and touches upon the themes of self-love, heartache, and rediscovery. Although most would argue that growing up is quite complex, the read isn't supposed to be.

This book is living. It's breathing; it's steaming. It's fully brewed and waiting to be sipped time and time again.

To read coffee poems, one must read between the lines because this book is a metaphor for coming-of-age emotions masked in coffee and occasionally sugar and cream.

If you had to choose a voice (or two) to narrate your poetry into an audiobook, who would you pick? This can be anyone, dead or alive.

Two voices that I would be honored to have narrate my poetry into an audiobook would be the artist Jorja Smith or Banks. I feel that they embody honest tones and I think that is vital for my poetry to be conveyed in that way/manner.

Are there any new projects you’d like us to know about?

I have this book and a 2nd manuscript in the pipeline called 20-Something in New York. I gravitate toward catchy lines and cliché names...

You’re so cool.

For more information, please visit www.RachelHarty.com.

Hollywood, CA

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